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Below you'll find all of the major assignments I've done throughout the semester, from book review essays to presentations on pedagogy. 

Anchor 1

I observed Professor Koning's English 115 class to witness first-hand teaching pedagogies at play in the classroom.

I read and reviewed and reviewed the teaching pedagogy textbook: ePortfolios@edu: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Everything In-Between to observe academic writing done on the topic of the ePortfolio, a teaching tool I am interested in. 

Stacked Books
Empty Library

Perhaps the assignment that I will be editing throughout the rest of my life, this is my evolved teaching philosophy after my experience in this class learning about education and writing studies. 

A mini-presentation on one of the pedagogies I find the most engaging, even if it is a little traditional, since my focus is in literature and my portion on a group project involving visual analysis.

Writing on Tablet
Looking for a Book

A list of annotations for some of the sources I will be using on paper focusing on ePortfolios with a focus on digital and process pedagogy. 


A fun video highlighting the strengths of process pedagogy over that of product-focused pedagogy made collaboratively with fellow peers. 

This is the culmination of my experience in English 525WS, it's an exploration of how ePortfolio-centered classes can be utilized while employing scaffolding and process pedagogies. 

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